Read Me First

Welcome to the Moonwake Games News Page! This is where you can stay in touch with the shop and keep track of what’s going on and what’s happened. This isn’t as formal or as scripted as the events calendar and it is as much for you the reader to get to know the shop and the employees as it is to showcase the community that gathers here and calls this shop their meeting place.

There may be tomfoolery, there will be puns, and most importantly this is a glimpse into the adventures that take place at Moonwake Games. We’re so much more than the bricks, mortar, and games that make up the store. We are the people who work here, the people who play here, and we’re the friends we’ve made along the way.

This store is where I found my family and where I found my home. It’s a grand adventure and it belongs to all of us who have been a part of it, who are currently a part of it and it also belongs to the people who we don’t know yet, the people who haven’t met us and the friends who don’t realize they are going to be part of the story as well.

If you have already visited come back anytime, and if you haven’t taken the plunge do it. Come play some Magic or Pokémon, nerd out about Warhammer or tell us about yourself and your homebrew campaign. If you’re new to this world and scared that everyone else knows more, don’t be. Don’t be intimidated by the rules, or the people, or by the big and overly complicated words that everyone but you seems to understand. We were all there at some point. We are here because of each other and we know what we do because we learned from each other, and we are here to give you the same kindness and help we got when we first started.

We’re more than a store, we’re a story.